22nd December 2024

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Planning Advice

Concerns/comments for planning applications

How best to address your concerns

At the earliest opportunity you should try to take up matters of concern with your neighbour for a householder application. It is in everyone's best interests that respective needs are addressed and whenever appropriate there is reasonable compromise.

For both householder and major applications you may wish to visit the Planning Department at Blaby District Council Council Offices at Desford Road, Narborough, Leicestershire LE19 2EP to view the plans.

A duty Planning Officer is normally available to help if you need assistance in understanding the proposals. However if you wish to discuss detailed aspects of the application, you may need to make an appointment with the case officer.

If you cannot resolve the problem, and you still feel you have a valid cause for objection, you should have regard to the advice on this page and send your comments to the Group Manager for Planning, Economic Development and Housing Strategy at the address shown on this page.

You may also wish to contact your local Councillor who may be able to assist and/or advise you. Details of your District Councillor can be found by clicking on 'About the Council > Councillors' to the left of this page.

Please note you have a limited time in which to submit your objection. If in doubt, please contact the Planning Department office who will be able to advise you.

All correspondence should be sent to the appropriate Case Officer or the Chief Planning and Development Officer at Blaby District Council's main address, Council Offices, Desford Road, Narborough, Leicestershire LE19 2EP. You must give details of the planning application being referred to within your correspondence.

Your comments and confidentiality

In accordance with the planning legislation all comments are made available for Public Inspection at the Council Offices. Individual responses to planning applications will not be able to be viewed on the District Council's Planning website.

Matters taken into account when making a decision

Applications, which are in accordance with the relevant policies within the plans for the area, will normally be allowed.

Click image to open as pdf.

Click image to open as pdf.

Matters that can be taken into account:

  • The Development Plan (Structure Plan or Local Plan)
  • Appearance (design, materials etc)
  • Traffic, parking or access problems
  • Residential amenity (noise, overshadowing, overlooking)
  • Effect on character of an area
  • Effect on setting of Listed Building or character of Conservation Area
  • Government Plan (Allocation of housing)
  • Highways Issues (Determined by County Council's Highways department) - Is the development within currently defined speed limit area
  • Is there appropriate drainage for the proposed plan
  • Is the land appropriately graded for the building work suggeted? - details of this can be obtained from Blaby District Council's Planning Department
  • Does the planning proposal fit in with the existing flora/fauna of the area?
  • Will the planning proposal affect the ecology of the area?
  • How could the land be contaminated by the planning proposals?

Matters that cannot be taken into account:

  • Devaluation of property
  • Loss of view
  • Possibility of future problems (eg use of property)
  • Hours of work and damage during construction
  • Business or competition issues relating to the applicant
  • Increased fire hazard
  • Contested legal rights eg ownership, right of passage, boundary disputes etc
  • Covenants attached to the site

How to make an objection

All valid planning objections will be considered before a decision is made. Objections may be made by any individual or organisation. These MUST be made in writing either by letter or e-mail and received before the due decision date, and include the application reference number.

If you do not know the date, please call Blaby District Council's Planning Department on (0116 272 7705) or email (planning@blaby.gov.uk), who will be able to give you the details. You must clearly state the grounds on which the objections are made. You must also include your postal address.

Last updated: Sat, 15 Jun 2024 11:40