3rd February 2025

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Serving the people of Huncote

Animal Fouling

Please contact the Clerk, or Blaby District Dog Wardens (0116 275 0555) to provide details of your animal fouling concerns.

The Parish Council work in conjunction with Blaby District Council to deal with dog fouling and there is a procedure which we follow, a copy of which is available from Blaby District Council.

Whilst dog bins are OK, they are not essential as ANY rubbish bin or household bin can be used to put the bags in.

Some people will not clear up after their dog whether there are bins present or not. If reported these people can be fined up to £1,000.

If you know of areas that are affected, please let us know using the Contact Us page on the left, send us an email or call the Clerk and leave a message.

We need to to know as a minimum where and when.

Also it would help if you can supply us with a description of the offender and dog.

If you come across bags left hanging in trees or piled besides bins we also need to know as this constitutes fly tipping.

Dog Control Orders

Control of Dogs: Clean Neighbourhoods Act 2005.
Because of the serious health implications of dog fouling and the nuisance to people using footways, Blaby District Council, following consultation in selected parishes, implemented the following three District wide Orders which will be applicable to all public land or private land where the public are entitled to enter:

Fouling of Land by Dogs (Blaby) Order 2008.
This has replaced the Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996 as it offers far wider scope in respect of the land on which it can be enforced. Dog owners are now required to pick up dog mess on all public land, or private land where they are entitled to enter, within the District of Blaby;

Dogs on Lead by Direction (Blaby) Order 2008.
This Order gives authorised Council officers the power to deal with dogs not being kept under proper control. Dog owners could be required to place dogs on a lead.

Dogs Exclusion (Blaby) Order 2008.
This Order bans dogs from all enclosed childrens play areas within the District.

The above Orders will be enforced by Blaby District Council. Officers of BDC may issue fixed penalty tickets or written warnings. There is an option to prosecute for more serious incidents or where fines remain unpaid and for repeat offenders. BDC officers will also check whether dog walkers are armed with bags and give issuing warnings to those without them. A new initiative to improve the effectiveness of the dog legislation is the issuing of fixed penalty notices on the strength witness statements.

Last updated: Sun, 05 Jan 2020 13:44